Another Tiring Weeks !


Just arrived to my house . We went to my Grandmother's house since been a long time not to see her . Take some of my busy time to write this entry !
This one week's holiday not even meant to me cause it's not a holiday time as I can't sleep all day long or even can't have my own time to blog ! Really tiring weeks ! 
While everybody get their holiday with their family , we just had a holiday at school under the sun for marching ! That's really best (bad) ! We also went to fire station to practice our marching there !

Okay this story is end now -------
Do you remember at the previous post , Ive tell you that I joined the recite poem competition ?
yeahh that is ! I am the winner 😝
another present is for essay competition and Ive won the prize :))
Another story I want to share to you is Majlis Akur Janji SPM where there we need to promise to school and parents what's out target on SPM's result .
As there will be having a simple ceremony , most of student's parents came and my dad also came , I thought he wont be there , but surprisingly , he came !
This ceremony also got slot where the top 5 student of Form 5 will be selected as school's target to get straight A . 
If you can see my name , my name is at number 4 . My dad was proud of me ! I will not make you disappointed of me . I promise <3

There's two column . The first column is my end of the year examination and that is my result and the next column is my target for SPM . Even though I get just only 5A 3B 1E but I will not give up ! As I have a time, so, I can still make a change on that grade ! I will study more on Mathematics and bring up A+ in SPM ! Amiinnn !

That's all for this entry . I have many things to do . Account's folio for this year already out ! Need to manage my time very well ! 

Got to go , Bye 💘

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